Meet Deck AI and Its Creators


Deck AI began as a machine learning experiment between us during our first year of college.

Starting as a simple matchup calculator, it quickly evolved in scope and ability, inspiring us to turn our hobby-project into a full-fledged companion for the Clash Royale community.

As players, we often struggled to create effective decks that worked with our card levels and playstyles. Popular meta decks didn't always fit well with the cards we had, leading us to think about the potential of personalized deck suggestions.

Development began in 2022, and the website launched in 2023. Throughout our journey, we've continuously refined the model and added new features with feedback from players at all experience levels.

The result is a unique model trained on hundreds of millions of Clash Royale matches helping players create stronger and customized decks as well as learn card interactions and deck matchups while considering card level differences.

We are committed to creating the simplest, most flexible, capable, and personalized Clash Royale tool.

Johann, a self-taught programmer since age 10, is currently studying computer science at the University of Maryland (UMD) and brings his technical skills to the project.

Mahdi is studying computer science and business at UMD and is the more talented player of the two (Johann may or may not approve this claim).

Their long-standing collaboration and friendship of over 10 years is the central pillar of Deck AI.